
The Customs and Traditions of Alcossebre

Sep 27, 2022 | 0 comments

Alcossebre is a place that welcomes many tourists in summer thanks to its beach and atmosphere. However, this town is also very interesting throughout the year thanks to its festivities and traditions.

In the post we bring you today, we are going to talk about this, about the customs and traditions of Alcalá de Xivert and Alcossebre.

What are the festivities in Alcossebre?

Alcossebre is not only beach and summer tourism, it also offers an endearing culture that deserves to be known by all of us.

January | Celebration of St. Anthony

In January, Saint Anthony, the patron saint of animals, is celebrated. To this end, every year a group of people collect money through activities and raffles and then organize a weekend of festivities.

It is tradition that on Sunday there is a procession of the animals, where they are blessed and a bread roll is provided for each one of them. This roll is known as Primeta.

February | Carnivals

A celebration that takes place with great enthusiasm in Alcossebre is, without a doubt, the carnival. So much so that it is held over two consecutive weekends.

In the first one, a costume parade takes place through the streets of the town that ends at the town hall with the call to King Don Carnal, which starts the festivities. The following day a parade of floats and costumes takes place where color and fun are the protagonists.

On Sunday, the death of Don Carnal is represented, and his burial takes place in the well-known “burial of the sardine”.

March and April : Easter Week and Fadrins Festival

One of the most popular customs of this town begins at Easter and has to do with the Easter monkey.

It is a tradition here and in many places in Spain, that on Easter Sunday the godparents give their godchildren the Easter mona de pascua. This is a sweet that takes as many eggs as the child’s age, until he/she reaches 12 years of age, which is when this mona is no longer given as a gift.

But what sets Alcossebre apart from other Spanish towns is that the locals go on Easter Sunday afternoon or Monday to the beach or the countryside with a kite to eat the Mona. But that’s not all: the egg that carries the monkey is usually cracked on the forehead of a friend, as you say:

Aci em pica (here it itches me) (placing the egg on your friend’s right cheek).

Aci em cou (aqui me escuece) (putting the egg at the level of your friend’s left cheek)

Aci em menge la mona (here I eat the monkey) (putting the egg at the level of your friend’s mouth).

Very close to Easter, the Fiesta de los Solteros, also known as the “Festa dels Fadrins”, is celebrated in April. This festival consists of the bachelors of the town in honor of the patron saint of the same “San Pedro de Verona”, are responsible for organizing the festivities in Alcala de Xivert.

May | Mare de Déu Dels Desamparats Feast Day

The second Sunday of May is celebrated the day of the patron saint of the town, the mare de Deu dels desamparts, or also known as the virgin of the Forsaken.

During this festivity, a mass and a procession through the streets of the town is held, in which the faithful are dressed in traditional costumes.

June | Noche de San Juan

That the night of San Juan is magical is something we already know, but what you can’t imagine is how special it is in this town. When the night of San Juan arrives, the most common thing is that the locals go to the beach to jump 3 waves, make a nice bonfire and then jump barefoot.

Undoubtedly, you can’t miss it.

July | Feast of Sant Antoni in Capicorb

The last weekend of July is celebrated the Feast of Sant Antoni, organized by the neighborhood association of Capicorb and in which many activities are carried out with the culmination of a mass at the chapel of Sant Antoni de Capicorb.

August | Patron saint festivities in honor of San Juan Bautista

In the summer months, which is also when Alcossebre hosts the most people, several festivities are held, such as its patron saint festivals in August and September, as in the rest of the towns in our country.

September | Harley and Custom Meeting

For lovers of motorcycles and Harley Davidson sure we do not discover anything, but for those who do not know it yet, Alcosseber in September performs a concentration of Custom motorcycles and Harley Davidson organized by Custom Maestrat for 19 years.

Normally, the motorcycles are paraded through the streets so that they can be enjoyed by all and then musical acts are offered.

October | Santa Teresa Festivities and Penjar Tomato Fair

In October there is no lack of dancing, music and good vibes, and is that on the weekend closest to October 15 is celebrated the feast of Santa Teresa. These parties are organized by the local single women.

On October 8 and 9, the Tomato Fair is also held, where the streets are filled with stalls selling local and artisanal products.

December | Santa Lucia Festival and Christmas Fair

It also highlights in December the pilgrimage in honor of Santa Lucia. This is celebrated on December 13 and hosts many faithful, has the tradition that the faithful sleep in the chapel in sacks in the open.

In December, this town also organizes a Christmas fair with a beautiful Christmas market where the visit of Santa Claus, puppets, children’s workshops and raffles are always present.


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